Monday, October 6, 2008


Q-1- What is QIC&AC?
A- QIC & AC (Quality institutional care and Alternatives for Children) is an initiative of voluntary organizations, Government departments and individuals working in the field of child care /on the issues of rights of the child.

Q-2-Why QIC&AC formed?
A- QIC & AC formed to provide better care to children staying at the various NGO and Govt. run child care institutions in the State. It also aims at finding better alternatives for abandoned & neglected children who are without a family and are out on the streets. Basic objectives is to work simultaneously on two aspects- first within Institution establish standards of Quality Care and second for de-Institutionalization i.e. develop and promotes alternatives at two levels-macro and micro.

Q-3- Who can join QIC&AC?
A- Experts, social activists, Academia, Govt., donor agencies, NGOs providing services-statutory and non-statutory institutions for children, adoption agencies, foster care agencies, trade unions, Networks, individuals and others working in related areas in their respective State chapters- willing to work voluntarily for this cause.

Q-4-What are the major activities of QIC&AC?
A-QIC&AC activities comprises of two folds-Macro and Micro level
At Macro level
Partnership with Central and State Govt. for policy reform and implementation through consultations and feedback and orientation and training
Formation of core groups at the national and state levels to prime-move
Dissemination of information, learning and best practices through documentation, newsletter etc.
At Micro level
Build models for replication and advocacy
Develop and share authentic databases
Build strong community linkages
Sensitization and care giving training at all levels
Counseling- child, family, care givers

Q-5-what are the major achievements of QIC&AC?
Increased understanding of the issue
National and International perspectives
Expansion to 15 states across India and into districts
Acceptance of the initiative by the government
Enabling a move toward advocacy options.
Looking at Alternate care for children
Part of civil society and yet has relationship with govt.

Q-6- To be part of QIC&AC what should I/we do
A-1. Contact QIC & AC Delhi
2. Collaborate with information or expertise
3. Build a stronger network
4. Research partnerships
5. Help in development of national quality care standards.
6. Reach every child at risk

Q-9- How frequently QIC&AC members meet
A- QIC&AC-Delhi State core group members meets every month on second Thursday/ date decided by group. There are four functional sub-groups which meet on their own depending on the needs/ activities. All Sub-groups meet quarterly to review their plan of action for the quarter, achievements, failures and update themselves.

Q-10- Whom should I contact in case I am interested in joining the group
A-Jayanta Saikia,
QIC&AC Delhi
c/o CRY, DDA Slum Wing, Barat Ghar, Near Bapu Park,
Kotla Mubarakpur, New Delhi – 100 003
# 91–9268413370 / 91–11–24693137

Q-11-What is the legal status of QIC&AC
QIC&AC is a non-registered, not for profit, non-government, secular, non-political network. It channelises resources/ activities through registered member organizations.

Q-12- Vision and Mission of QIC&AC
Quality Institutional care & alternatives for Children seeks to create
“a society where every child lives in a secure, nurturing and just environment which values and upholds the rights of children holistically thereby optimizing each child’s potential”
With a mission
“to ensure State responsibility & accountability and active civil society participation through mass movement based advocacy for strengthening and building commitments towards child rights-thereby making a visible difference in the lives of children in need of care and protection”

Procedures – Monthly Meetings etc
QIC&AC-Delhi State core group members meets every month on second Thursday/ date and venue is decided by group. There is provision of emergency meet of the core group, in special circumstances

About Me

QIC & AC Delhi embraces the following guiding principles: • Every child has the right to a family - biological or otherwise. • Where this is not possible, institutional care will be the last resort. • All children in institutions have the right to certain acceptable standards of care. • The state is primarily responsible for ensuring all of the above.